This day in Westling History

Though this match may only have a few matches to its name still it is a very intense match anytime WWE made it happend; but like everything else in this sport this match had its debut as well & with that it became the calling card. The match i am refering to is Buried Alive, the debut i am refering to is In Your House 96, & the people i am talking about are Mankind who fought someone who became his longtime rival The deadman, The Undertaker. The show began with the first ever meeting between two of the future top stars in the WWE this saw HHH vs Austin in a 15 minute match. Austin won the match, their really isnt anything else worth noting on this card as both the tag titles & ic belt were on the line but got retained by the people who held them. Back to the Buried Alive match if you dont know what it is well its a match were one guy usually has to through the Undertaker into a grave at the top of a mound of dirt and "bury him alive." I say usually Undertaker because he has competed in all 5 of the buried alive matches to date the last being a year ago vs Kane at Breaking Point. This match was also special because it saw the WWE return of Terry Bam Bam Gordy (father of Jesse from Jesse and Festus) who wasnt Gordy but was the Exocutioner who had a short feud with Taker.
This day 15 years ago!!!!!! WOW thats a long time ago


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