Nerd Note

Before Matt Hardy turned to drugs and had all the problem he was a promising young superstar for those may not believe hopefully will after this statistic is thrown at you. 10 years ago the Hardys were first seperted as a team a little because they didnt have anything left to accomplish this only lasted maybe a month, month & a half tops as both Hardy's had title runs in between this Jeff holding the IC & Matt holding the European title. This is a big deal not only cause Matt stayed as champion for longer than Jeff but matt also set a record one that was never broken. He became the longest regining US born European champion holding the title for 125 days in the spring of 2001 winning it on Smackdown and losing on Raw. He lost to Hurricane on the August 27th edition of Monday Night Raw. Hardy didnt hold another singles title till 2008 when he held the ECW world title on one occasion. He did win back the tag titles Jeff 2 times from when he lost the European title to when he won the ECW Tag Team belt. Also can forget his one regin in 2008 as the United States champion & his title regin with MVP as tag champions. Well at least he is known for something else now or at least more know that he has accomplished some things


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