PPV Predictions

Once again today we put on our thinking caps as its time for another edition of PPV Predictions this time is WWE Vengence

(c)Beth Pheonix vs Eve Divas Title Match
this will be like any other divas match it will go maybe around 3 minutes with nothing special happening in this one. I see beth retaining the gold cause she just won it an unlike TNA they dont make the division specific titles change right away
(c)Air Boom vs Dolph Ziggler & Jack Swagger Tag Team Titles
this has all the makings of a match that could put the division on the map but two things have to happend they have to be long term teams & have to be given enough time which i dont think will happend. I see Air Boom winning the match as they seem to the only long term team that has challenged for the belts.
(c)Dolph Ziggler vs Zack Ryder United States Title
like the last match this has all the makings of being a good match but it would have to get enough time, this would be to make sure Ryder can shed the title of a joke and start bridging towards future star. Isnt it obvious the WOO WOO WOO KID is going to comeback to the LI as the US champion if you didnt understand a word i said then i think Ryder will win. He'll win because its about time he gets the push he deserves i have supported him since he started the WOO WOO WOO gimmick back in ECW all i gotta say now is its about time WWWYKI
Sheamus vs Christian
this will be a good match as it will be given some time because its a top feud in WWE and it is being used to give sheamus some crediblity as a face. I went with christian winning it at Hell in a Cell but he didnt and that was the only match i got wrong so i will go with Sheamus to win the match and maybe the feud tonight
Randy Orton vs Cody Rhodes
I said this when Cody fought Rey at Mania that it would make or break Cody as a main eventer but this match tonight will indeed do that it needs to be long and if this is not a long term feud then cody needs to win tonight. but if it is then Orton can win, either way i am going with Cody though Orton maybe a top guy i think its nearing the time wear someone threatens Orton's palace and cody is just the person to do it
(c)Mark Henry vs Big Show World Title Match
hopefully this match is a hell of a lot better than the one they had at MITB because that was horrible the crowd was so quite a pin could drop in the top level and you could hear it in the first row thats how bad it was. Like the last match either way i see Henry winning because he just won the belt and even though it would be nice to see show win still Henry is a fresh face at the main event and thats better in my book
CM Punk & Triple H vs Awsome Truth (The Miz & R-Truth)
I think next to the Last Man Standing Match this match will be given as much time maybe more because of the people invovled and the story surrounding it. Unless they are going to continue this feud which i dont see them doing with all these guys because i know Punk is moving on after this match. But i also dont see HHH putting over Miz or Truth that goes for Punk to so i going to say HHH & Punk for that reason.
John Cena vs (c)Alberto Del Rio (w/ Ricardo Rodriguez) Last Man Standing for WWE Title
This will be a good match as its Cena's 5-0 streak in last man standing vs Del Rio's title it should be interesting. Even though the odds are against him i have this feeling Del Rio will win the match part of it is well this is his destiney to be WWE Champion and not even Cena may change that

Thats it the next PPV Predictions will be for the TNA ppv Turning point until then


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