Raw Goings on

6 years thats how long its been since i missed my last RAW and since that point i dont remember the last time that i didnt know what was going to happen in a story for this company until last night. The Vote of Confidence to the COO was the first time i saw something like that and with the amount of different companies i have seen it was something of a shock that i never even heard of it. Well when i saw it the first thing i thought of is that is nothing like the promo Punk cut 6/27 as this was all scripted to a tee. Seeing the face wrestlers stick around longer than Michael Cole that was good but seeing everyone from the stage crew, camera crew, justin roberts & mark yeaton (time keeper) was icying on the cake. To have JR stick around for a bit then have him leave to made the angle top off the right way with the people being the only ones happy to see him. I am also baffeled in the way that i dont if Lawler "quit" company or just walked out i do know however that if he did "quit" it is a part of the story which again i say is the best WWE angle, story, fix, writing whatever you want to call it is the best thing that this company has done in years & i mean years. I want to say this as well that i am in know way an employee of the WWE i am just a mark singing the praises of a great angle like this.


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