History of: CZW 2

Now CZW has a TV Deal on the station WGTW-48 and it wa Fake You TV, during their first show which was called Take 1 they attempted a dual balcony dive which didnt work. Ric Blade on one side attempted to jump on Justice Pain through two tables but got a broken leg for his troubles. Nick Gage fell off the balcony onto the floor and continued the match but Blade got take out of the arena. Long story short after one show in 2004 didnt air cause of content CZW pulled the shows from the station. Take a trip back in time to when they did Cage of Death 3 which was done the same year ECW went under. The Cage of Death concept is baiscally a cage match with weapons inside of and you win by pinfall or submission but they usually have fire, barbed wire and other violent things happend in it. For Cage of Death 3 CZW needed a bigger arena so they went to the ECW Arena for the first time and got the arena's first sell-out since the ECW era. This started Indy wars which was a battle between 3PW, XPW, & CZW over the ECW Arena which XPW won. CZW then began a feud with IWA-MS or maybe even an invasion angle which saw Ian Rotten, Jc Bailey, & Corp Robinson invaded CZW and an inter-promotional feud came to ahead at Tournament of death 2. The TOD is baiscally a tournament of really hardcore match that happen throught one day. This went down in history as a special show because of a semi-final match between Nick Mondo & Zandig in a match that would be to hard to explain. But near the end of the match both men went up to the roof of a building at the arena and Zandig baiscally powerbombed Mondo 40 ft through tables & light tubes in a spot that many say ended Nick's career. 2003 also saw the return to the ECW Arena for CZW after XPW went out of business which allowed them to comeback, another highlight was in May of 03 they debuted in Italy. To end this edition I want to warn you about this highligh it is gross well near the end of 03 Owner Zandig had a feud with HI-5 heel stable. This is constituded as an incident because Zandig got hang from the roof of a building by meat hooks. This lead to Cage of Death 5 Suspended which the cage was hung from the roof of the arena and they fought in it.


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