Scouting Report

to go along with the theme on this site over the past couple of days those people that are better than the mass media makes them out to be:

Sami Callihan
good in ring
average on mic

Sami has competed in baiscally every indy wrestling company in the US, he has been in Canada, traveled to Japan, wrestled for WXW in Germany. He has done alot on the scence and competed against some of the best like Jon Moxley (Dean Ambrose), Arik Cannon, Adam Cole, Finaly, Trent Acid, & others. Sami has also the dubious distiction of fighting on the first episode of ROH on HDNET in a losing effort to Kenny King way back when. Callihan nowadays holds the AIW world title & is apart of a stable in Dragon Gate USA called D.U.F (Dirty, Ugly, Fuc**) he is with Arik Cannon & Pinkie Sanchez. Callihan also competes in two of the newest companies Jeff Katz's Wrestling Revolution Project & Resistance Pro Wrestling ran by Billy Corgan.
At this point Sami has been wrestling since he was 19 and has already been in more companies then some people in their 30's. Sami is only 24 years old so i think their is a bright future ahead of him in the business maybe just not in the WWE. Because he is a little feaky looking to fit the PG era in the WWE but that doesnt mean he still cant be a star. The WWE may not want him but that doesnt mean no company needs a guy like Sami he has good mic skills & not bad in ring could make a good monster for any company. He also isnt that big to be to much of a monster but he isnt small enough not to be considered a monster. I will call it now Sami will be apart of a major company before his career is over not saying it will be WWE or TNA he could help build an indy company like indy wrestlers of the past did for ECW, TNA, & ROH as well as others.

if you didnt know he is now i hope you do!!!!!!!!!!!


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