TNA Wrestling Truth is: Writing Team

With the success in viewership of the first part of this tna wrestling truth is: i am going to do blogs regarding my opinion of whats wrong with TNA. First i would like to say this is My Opinion if you dont agree with it thats fine you dont have to read it. Now to the blog TNA's creative team or lack their of i mean they for the most part just steal WWE storylines or WCW storylines that worked and use them over again. Which is insults the fans cause it makes it seem like they wont notice an example is Heel Stable (TNA has done this to many times for me to name them) vs Face Stable or even TNA original idea WCW vs NWO. Another example maybe a year ago they re-did the Montreal Screwjob with Kurt Angle & AJ Styles with the same referee screwing Angle. So many of them fall under the first one that i said its not even funny TNA is always trying to duplicate the magic that the original NWO had. Another problem of the writing team is they develop storys for the people they sign not the people who already there which leads to the guys who go their getting title shots before the guys who were their already. This has happened many times just to name a few Hardy, Anderson, RVD, R-Truth, & a couple of others but with everything some arent going to be happy but shouldnt be one of those times. AJ Styles, Daniels, Kaz, Abyss, Joe, Shelley, & others. I understand not everyone can be a success in this business but if they have the make up to be the best then they should be & as far as i am concerned these guys can be the best. Also the writing staff doesnt know how to book but thats for another blog, they dont know how to use people right. Like Rob Eckos, Crimson, Doug Williams, Magnus, Samoa Joe, Shima Zion, & others they use them as glorified jobbers except Crimson of course who is just now starting to connect with the fans. Rob Eckos better known as Robbie E is being made a joke with the gimmick he has which is given by those in charge and pushed by creative and as far as i am concerned wasting a very talented wrestlers ability i mean making him get pinned by a non wrestler give me a break. Not going to complain about Crimson it just if they want if to be the next best thing let him beat people clean dont let the matches have Dusty Finishes. Joe is a joke he has not been put over in months i hope to the lord above he leaves and goes to WWE. Ask for everyone else they have what it takes to be better than they are but arent featured like it why because of the amount of big names they have not enough room. Angle has said if he sees something in a guy he'll put them over which he wanted to do with Amazing Red but NO it didnt happen because Creative doesnt see that it could work. Also i am aware TNA has elevated both Roode and Storm to the main event kind of they wont be their till they get the big win Storm may have beaten Angle but it wasnt a good enough match to see if he will get the super push like Bobby. Also Bobby was not put over by Angle like, he should have been but instead was by Storm who doesnt have enough credibility for it to be as big as it should have been. Roode still has not beaten Angle which doesnt make sense to me if you where going to make him champion anyway why not just have him win at BFG. Whops not like i am the first site to give that away oh well they deserve for not making him win it at the ppv and having a transition champion in between instead. I would get a brand new creative either that or not use the same people in the stories that other companies have done the past that worked. I also would not sign anyone else for a while and focus on using the people i have already and getting on to the show even if some are used as a jobber not everyone has the it factor. TNA needs to realize this is a problem and address before it causes bigger issues. Next installment of this will be about TNA management this by the way is not to talk bad about TNA more just to point whats wrong with TNA in my opinion. This is in No way trying to make TNA seem worse then it might because i cant speak from experience on what happens behind the scene what i can speak from though is the knowledge i have of the company & the opinion i have as well.


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