This day in Westling History

With Bound For Glory just around the corner it is only fitting to be talking about a BFG from the past more specific Bound For Glory 2007. This show featured Angle vs Sting, Knockout Battel Royal (first knockout champ crowned), Steiner Brothers vs Team 3D in table match, & LAX vs XXX in a great Ultimate X. Depth defing moves during opening Ultimate X match from Homcide getting Border Tossed to the outside on XXX to Elix leaping of the truse on to hernandez. This was also for the #1 contender to the tag titles which LAX got cause they won the match. Small note this night was also the debut of Consequences Creed who was in a tag team match with truth defending the belts vs Styles & Tomko. The next highlight came when the Steiners locked up with Team 3D in a tag team 2 out of 3 tables match which shockingly steiners won with the help of the Motor city Machine Guns who later feuded with 3D. Worth mentioning that during that show there was a womens gaulet to determine the fist Knockouts Champion & out of 10 women Gail Kim won the match. That match also saw the debut of now a longstay in TNA Angelina Love wrestling as her real name Angel Williams. Now the Main event the highlight of the show now feud people always love to see with two of the best in the business Angle vs Sting for the TNA World Heavyweight title. To bad Kurt didnt know then what we know now that is that Sting always puts out his A game at Bound For Glory but you just have to be better. On this night Kurt wasnt better he lost the belt to Sting but Sting ended up losing the belt back to Angle less a month later on an episode of Impact.
This day 4 years ago


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