This day in Wrestling History

This day 3 years ago, the wrestling world suffered a terrible loss of a wrestling legend. As the 82 years old famous Killer Kowlaski passed away because of heart failure. Killer name actually was Walter Kowalski he did have championship full career as he was more known as a trainer. Because he trained former muti-time world champion & wwe exec HHH, Chyna,Ron Zombie, Kofi Kingston, & former world champion Eddie Edwards. Also in his second gimmick he was tag team champ with big John Studd as apart of the Exocutioners managed by Lou Albano. He also chanllenged for the world title 4 times against Bruno Samartino & Buddy Rogers both on two occasions. He left behind a legacy that is remembered by all he worked with, & i hope this helps you guys that have a little insight into the legacy & career of one of the best of his era.
This day 3 years ago


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