Scouting Report

Mike Quackenbush
Average on mic
great in the ring

Best Possible Feuds: Sin Cara, Bourne, Danielson, Styles, Swann, Aries

One of very few career indy wrestler who can say that he has both wrestled and owned his own promotion at the same time. Growing up he idolized Japan Legend Jushin "Thunder" Liger he sported the nickname Lighting as a tribute to him. This man also entered the business un-trained opening his company originally as a wrestling school which was partnered with CZW since they are both based in philly it was easy.  In May of 2002 he with Reckless Youth opended Chikara and they also main evented the first show no surpirse their right as they & Don Montoya vs the Gold Bond Mafia (CM Punk, Chris Hero, & Colt Cabana) the owners team wins.
Biggest accomplishments included fighting his idol Jushin Liger in JAPW for the light weight belt which liger won the match. He has also held the famous NWA Junior Heavyweight title belt beating Tiger Mask for it at an NWA show. He has also tourded in Japan, Germany, Mexico, & several other places through his 15 year career. Also for those who think since he owns the company he has held every title more the once and always main events well he has only one the tag team titles once in his company and the king of trios tournament as well. Once Bryan Danielson was removed from the circut i think Quack became the best wrestler  on the circut and if you dont believe just look at his accomplishments or watch a video of his matches. all the people he trainded its crazy just pick from a boat load and youll become a fan of his quick guarentee.


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