This day in Westling History

Today's special day as i am back doing a show not a bday & not a ppv but an actual show i am talking about August 22nd 2005 Monday Night Raw. As that was the first time Angle fought Benjamin one on one in a very good mat based match. But that wasnt the hightlight of the show the main event was with stangly enough the "highlight of the night" Chris Jericho vs John Cena for the WWE Title. That match went 15 minutes and also showed that even though Cena defended, the title the night before he would be a fighting champion & because of how good the match was it added crediblity to the first time champions regin. Not many people know this but when Cena, debuted he didnt have the backing managment that he does now it took Chris Jericho putting him over cause he saw somthing in him. Vince didnt see somthing in him other than just another mid-carder but Jericho thought he could be bigger. Also back to that night Chris was leaving on that show so they decided to make it a loser leaves match as well which Jericho lost so he left taking one of his famous leaves of absence. Though many were pissed because of the fact that Jericho got carried out whining & crying being held by secruity he loved it & it was his idea to do it like that. He even did in the ring telling the guards to carry him out cause he wanted to leave in true heel form.
This day 6 years ago when the world title still meant somthing!!!!!!


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