This day in Westling History

This day is an anniversary of a big event on the east coast, as the WWWF (World Wrestling Entertainment) as they brought to you Showdown at Shea 1980. Which saw the ending of the feud that made Larry Zybyzsko famous which was that between him & his trainer Bruno Samartino. This match was a Steel Cage Match & it was the highlight of the show or so people thought as this show was also the first time Hulk Hogan went one on one with Andre The Giant. I am sure your wondering who was the champion & was he booked well he was booked but going for the tag titles with Pedro Morales vs Wild Samoans. Which Pedro's partner was then champion Bob Backland and due to winning the match from his obligations as world champ they vacanted the tag titles from them. This show was a success as they almost sold filled Shea to capacity which was 57,200 something which with number for this show it may not seem like a lot but think about it with 36295. Since it was a non baseball event they had chairs on the field so that took away from the audience in the actual stands so i would say around 41,000 probably if their were No seats on the field.
This day 31 years ago


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