This day in Westling History

Today is happy day for some but a sad day for some as well because today 34 years ago for a company in florida this man made his debut he will go on to revolutionize this buisness his name Hulk Hogan. Trained by Japanese great Hiro Matsuda, hogan started in the CWFF (Championship Wrestling From Florida) fighting a man named *Brian Blair* in his debut match. Staying down in florida until former NWA champion Terry Funk introduced Hulk to Vince SR in 1979 and Vince loved him and thats were he became Hulk Hogan as prior to that he was Terry Boulder. His stint in WWE only lasted about a year before going to Japan and competiting for NJPW.
Their he also became the first IWGP world champion off an accident as when he fought Antonio Inoki, he knocked him out or inoki got knocked out during the match to make it seem like he was suppose to win but he wasnt. He then returned to the states in 81 to start filming Rocky 3 against the wishes of McMahon who fired him for this defience. So he joined the AWA for 2 years until he rejoined WWE and Hulkamania was born on Janurary 23 1984 when he beat Iron Sheik for the World Title this started his 4 year regin as champion. This also began what people know today as Cena format but i will get to that in another blog. He then goes on to Main Event the first 3 Wrestlemanias with his vs Piper & Orndorff, vs Budy, & last him fighting Andre at Mania 3.
*The remainder of what i usually do for debuts maybe posted tomorrow as tommorrow Hogan celebrates his birthday so we shall see what happends*
**Also i post the hiphin next to Brian Blair because he later became known as a member of the Killer Bees and though he lost to hulk he still had a nice career not as nice but still**


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