Hardy too Much Party

Yesterday we found out that Matt Hardy got arrested on account of a DWI and what followed is a bad twist of fate for Matt. Earlier today the reports coming out that Dixie Carter has released Matt Hardy from his TNA contract. Debuting in Janurary of this past year at the Genesis ppv as apart of Immortal he fought Rob Van Dam. He won his debut costing RVD his shot at the World title again also tried to interfere in the world title main event but was stopped by RVD costing Jeff the match and the belt. The next episode of Impact he and jeff reunited against Anderson & RVD in a winning effort. Short and to the point Matt was a heel for his entire stay in TNA and apart of Immortal. On June 20th he was sent how from TNA until further notice for coming late to many events. Actually yesterday Matt got busted for a DWI the details of his release were not made public until this afternoon as Dixie thought it was best to send home permanetly. I also think the making of a certain youtube video help them in making this decision it is not on the site anymore as it was removed a week after upload. I agree with this decision as though many may like the hardys i dont i feel sorry for both of them as they are both very talented wrestlers but have gone down the wrong path, & i hope they figure things out and are able to make the money the have earned from years of putting their bodies on the line. All we can do is hope they find their way back and figure things out so they can do what they love to do without any interuptions.


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