This day in Westling History

Though many may not know about this promotion it is one of the top indy promotions in the buisness today next to Dragon Gate, Evovle, & ROH of course. The company is called FIP or Full Impact Pro which has been a company since their debut show in Floridia 8 years ago today. The show opended up with Hector Guerrero vs Aaron Epic which Hector won and started the show of good with a big win for a crowd favorite. During the show people saw familar faces like Gangrel, Kid Romeo (from WCW), Mike Graham, & future TNA star David Young. The show was Main Evented by 3 more familar faces in a match all of them are acustomed to a Hardcore Match. With Mike Awesome vs New Jack vs Justin Credible and Mike won sending the fans home happy seeing such a good match. FIP had a working agreement with ROH until 2009 then they switched to having that agreement with Dragon Gate currently. Dragon Gate is were their ex-booker Gabe Saplosky went after parting ways with the promotion in 2009. Though this company has been around for 8 years they still have not been able to secure enough money or a tv deal to make to the big time like some other indy promotion before them.


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