Post PPV Thoughts

Last night the biggest party of the summer was held in LA and it didn't disappoint for the most part. I was however more wrong then i was right with the predictions so i was disappointed and here is why. The first one was the divas match your building up Beth for weeks to make her look dominant again only to lose to Kelly in the long run it doesn't make sense. Next was Barrett vs Bryan this match i was not disappointed with one bit as it did a good job of making both guys look good which is what you want to happened when two future stars are in it. Now the world title match Orton vs Christian i hope even though christian lost it again that the feud is over cause it is boring there are other people on the show to challenge for it not just him & it makes me mad cause it ain't right. Finally the world title match now i know why they made punk win cause they didn't want "SUPER CENA" to lose the belt he just won to Del Rio after he cashed it in cause he is the company guy, and he always has to come out on top. Even though every other top dog has from Edge to Taker to Orton to Mysterio to Jericho but never Cena why cause he is the WWE's guy and no matter if it makes him look bad its not good for business. Almost forgot after the match Del Rio got a new bodyguard Big Daddy Cool Diesel is back!!!! as the bodyguard for once they are having an interesting storyline not involving Cena even it probably will in the end because like i said above.


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