This day in Westling History

Though Irene did take out our power she did take out our internet, cable, & phone so but it came back a hour ago. To take a break from the past 2 days of shows & get back to a birthday as today is the Havana Pitbull Ricky Reyes's 33rd birthday. Reyes was trained by Japan wrestling legend Antonio Inoki, & throught his career he recieved partial training from Kevin Quinn, Shinya Makabe, & Negro Casas. He made his debut at ROH Reborn as one half of the Havana Pitbulls with Rocky Romero lost but later formed a team with Homicide & Julius Smoke named the Rottwielers. They are also former Tag team Champion in ROH deafeating The Second City Sanits (Colt Cabana & CM Punk) at ROH: Testing Limits. He has also wrestled in IWA MS, EWF, PWU, CZW, ROH, VPW, & is currently working for the WWC promotion owned by Carlos Colon in Puerto Rico as the Light Weight Champion. Also occasional performs as a jobber for ROH. During Reyes's lenthy career he has won championship all over the United States indy circut as he is a 9 time Heavywieght champion in different promotions not all in one & is a 10 time tag champion all together from all his promotions.
This day 33 years ago


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