Adam Cole Interview

Why did you get into the business?
Adam: I was a huge wrestling fan growing up. There was one particular match, The Rock vs. Stone Cold at WrestleMania 17, that really made me realize this was what I wanted to do. I had goosebumps shoot up my spine that night, and I knew I needed to be involved in this.

How did You get involved in the Business
Adam: I went to the CZW Wrestling Academy, and trained under Jon Dahmer and DJ Hyde when I was 18 years old, and since then have never looked back.

Who is your favorite person to wrestle?
Adam: My favorite opponent has to be Steve Corino. I learned so much, and he is so good at what he does. Very willing to help out the young guys, and such a good human being.

What is the difference in the way your booked in ROH as opposed to CZW?
Adam: In ROH I am the young upstart babyface, and in CZW I'm an arrogant heel. It's a fun dynamic, and I enjoy getting to be creative in many different ways.

Have you ever hoped to make it to WWE or TNA? 
Adam: Someday I definitely hope to be in WWE, so we'll see what the future holds! As of now though, I'm def enjoying my time in ROH, & want to continue to grow and be apart of what I feel is so special. I'm very thankful, and look forward to my future in ROH.

After you finish wrestling do you see your self opening a school??
Adam: I could see myself opening a school someday. I want to be involved with wrestling for the rest of my life, so if I could give back in any way someday I most certainly would.


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