This day in Westling History

This day 27 years ago a future WWE diva was born for those for you who dont know today is former two time Divas champion Eve Torres's birthday today. She debuted with the WWE in 2005 after winning the most recent diva serch most people didnt except much as they were juding it off of what past winners did which wasnt much. But she has got a lot better in the ring and has done more than anyone could have expected from her. She is now raped up in the one feud in the once great but now dimished divas division as from the eyes of creative they dont matter and cant have good matches which isnt true. Cause like eve their are many great women wrestlers in the WWE like beth, natalya, kelly, gail (not anymore), kharma. But the days of the divas divsion actually being apreciated are over because of the lack of talent it has at this point which is unforutuate for the people in it. But who knows cause as JR always said "anything can happend in the WWE" which is true and i hope it is for the women to. Eve has improved very much since her debut which is always good to see but her hard work is being taken forgratten by the lack of TV time for the division which is a shame.
This day 27 years ago


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