Good Godderez

As of last week TNA has sign a new talent his name is "Mr. Pec-Tacular" Jessie Godderez of Big Brothers fame they signed him to a developmental contract. I dont really know where he is since i didnt know TNA that they had a developmental facility but i guess the Team 3D Acadamey could be it cause somemany of their talents have been trained their and he makes another. I really dont know what to expect from him cause until i heard about this i didnt know who he was but know i do. Him not being the first celebrity to try and wrestle for TNA as they have had Jenna Morasca, & Danny Bonaduce fight for them on a few separate occasions each. But both werent really that good in the ring so Jessie really doesnt have to be that good just better than the other two which isnt that hard. Since Bubba Ray is training him i would think he would not be as bad the past celebs were in the ring for this company which means good things for TNA. Hopefully they take their time with cause this could be somthing good dont rush him into his debut and do it when he is ready. I wonder is this TNA doing something unique or is it just another stolen idea from the WWE hmmm???


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