This day in Westling History

Today is both sad day for some but a happy day for many as this day 66 years in a small town in North Carolina a person who would revolutionize the wrestling business was born named Vincent K McMahon. Vince was brought up in the business by his father Vincent Jess McMahon as he was the promoter in the Northeast for the WWWF (World Wide Wrestling Federation) which began in 1963. He started in the company as an announcer until around the early 80's when Vince's dad started letting Vince make the shows. When Vince. Sr was ready to sell the company as his life was coming to an end but first he had to talk his son out of an in ring career to promote & keep his company going. So in 1983 Vince began his term in running the WWWF which he changed to the WWF after merging it with Titan Towers. It was also around now that Vince started stealing top stars from the territories like Roddy Piper, Andre The Giant, Jesse Ventura, Jimmy Sunka, Iron Sheik, Ricky Steamboat, Greg Valentine, Don Muraco, & the biggest of them all Hulk Hogan. Also after the success of Wrestlemania after a viable donation from the NWA (see history of: WCW for more info) business took off at the WWF who now worldwide nothing could stop them. Until once again on the cusps of bankruptcy as he was in the mid 80's, but now it wasn't he was causing it was competition in the old Mid Atlantic now WCW kicking their but in the ratings. That was until Vince did something WCW would never do he started pushing the young talent like Rock, Austin, HHH, Kane, Mandkind, etc new faces, fresh feuds. This lead to the attitude era which Vince was heavily involved in fast forward to the end of it Vince wins when he buys WCW & does an angle with doesn't work that well but still. Nowadays Vince his time is winding down as owner because within the next year or two Vince is said to be stepping down from a post he has had for almost 30 years. Now the WWE Vince is getting ready to sit in his home in Stamford and watch all he has done for this sport all his family has over the last 50 years and will stare in admiration for it is incredible.
This day 66 years ago a revolution began and is still going today because of the name McMahon


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