This day in Westling History

today was a landmark night for one of the big 3 during the attitude era as the smallest one ECW finally got a national TV deal with TNN. The show was only an hour and was from the Lost Batallion Hall in Queens, NY. The show began with Super Crazy vs Rhino which at that point was in the early stages of the feud they had Crazy won after 5:00 minutes. The next match saw one of the biggest feuds in wrestling during that time come to a head & it was great seeing Mike Awsome lock up with Masato Tanaka, it was good for masato cause he won. The Main Event invovled two guys that have probably better chemistry than any other two people in the business i am taking about Rob Van Dam vs Jerry Lynn for the ECW TV belt. This match went to a time limit draw but also during it jerry hit his head on the floor and kept going show what they would do to make the first show great. srry its not their meeting that night its Hardcore Heaven 99 either way its still a good match. Unfortuatly ECW's partnership didnt last with TNN as they were dumped in less than a year because the WWE moved to TNN an instead of keeping both they dumped ECW cause they knew WWE would make them more $$. As most know its all about the money even if it means getting rid of the better company (just saying not my actual logic)
This day 12 years ago the Wrestling world changed forever


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