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With the first tv taping on the horizon ROH has been trying to sign many of their stars to new deals like Davey, Eddie, Roddy, Genrico, etc. They have however signed Tomasso Ciampa, Hass & Benjamin, Cole & O' Riley, as well couple of other people. Today the news broke that you should add another to that group and his name is Jay Lethel competing last at BITW for ROH is scedualed to challenge Genrico this saturday night for the TV title. Jay had competed for ROH in the past in 2003-2006 in which time he held the ROH Pure title, contend for the tag team with many different partners, as well feuded with top stars like Daniels, Punk, Joe, Hero, etc. Now that Jay is back what does the future hold for him in Ring of Honor you wont have wait to long as this Saturday night the future begins for not only Jay, not only the stars of the company, but for ROH as whole. Check your local listings for the time in your area as



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