History of: WCW

Starting as the main territory of the NWA or JCP (Jim Crockett Promotions) the Mid-Atlantic region was the hottest territory in wrestling during the mid 80's. Until Vince JR who had been taking the household name to expand and kill the territory's having his only competition in the Mid-Atlantic he decide to buy their TV slot to take them out to. Well in the end Vince held for about two-three weeks but the first night still is known as Black Saturday but also Crockett brought it back for i think 1 million or something in that ballpark. What that money financed was the first Wrestlemania which was a huge success for the WWE or WWF at the time and things weren't good in the NWA.
Even with top stars like Flair, Rhodes, Race, Funk, Horseman, Magnum TA, and others the NWA and crockett were still not measuring up to the WWF so what do they have to do. Well Crockett followed what the WWF did he merged with every company under the NWA banner making a national company now it was time for PPV's to get back the focus. Well after losing future top star Magnum TA to a motorcyle accident in 88, then losing money in the buys from Starcade as the WWF played hard ball. Because, they put the first Survivor Series on that night as well telling ppv carriers not to carry Jim if they did they would loss wwf as ppv client a big hit for the NWA. Finally the straw that broke the camels back Bunckhouse Stampede the NWA reached a record low in buys for the show as the WWF did the first Royal Rumble that night on the USA Network. With a burt out booker (Dusty Rhodes) Jim Crockett had now choice but to sell his once profitable organization to Ted Turner. What happends next it'll take some time but i hope you guys are ready to listen as war is on the horizon.


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