Resistance to Change

For those who dont know Smashing Pumpkins band member & avid wrestling fan Billy Corgan will be starting up his own wrestling company. As in the past Corgan has participated in angles with the ECW against Lou E Dangerously & also made appearances for the AAW over the past couple of years. It turns out that Corgan will not own the company but will be executive producer of it like he decides all the angles, what direction the show goes in, stuff like that. The company name is Resistance Pro, more information will be announced at the WizardWorld convention the date is unknown to me but i am sure you find out & find it. To go along with corgan i found out yesterday that Scott Levy aka Raven will be a writer or an agent for the comapny. As well two of the that i know off the top of my head are Teddy Hart & recently released WWE star Harry Smith. Also 3 guys that slip my mind but i know they are less known talents that have not made it big. The only way to know what this company will give the wrestling world is wait and see who & what they company brings.
Billy knows what he is doing in this business other wise he would not be doing this, it would also be a good idea to keep surrounding him with people who know the business.


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