Hennigan or Hennigone

The heat from this may have died down but thats the writers job to bring back into talks with people and this is one of those things. For those of you who dont know superstar John Morrison his real name is John Hennigan thats were i get this from. Well as of a week one dirtsheet report that wwe management is pissed at his Ex-Girlfriend Melina for tagging along with Morrison to wwe live events the weekend after she got released. They are also mad at John because he didnt say no so with his contract up in a few months things do not look good for JoMo to get an extension because of the past problems he has had. I may not have had a lot of girlfriends but i even know if one of them were preventing me from advancing in my career i would cut her loss unless it is my dream make it big in which are their. I think john has to do some serious think or Hennigan will be Hennigone. It would be good for some of the indy companies cause he is a talented star and can excel but just not in the same company as his Girlfriend which is proved by past events over the last year. It a shame to cause but thats the way the cookie crumbles sometimes you can only go with the flow as what else could you do. His girlfirend or ex girlfriend may have cost him a good job that makes him a lot of money but also melina is just the one to blame you all now the other person however i wont name him


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