This day in Westling History

Today i would like to wish a happy birthday to the only person to win the world title in both WWWF & WWF. He also a dubious distication of the shortest world title in wwf history which 8 seconds in 94 if you did get with those hints then i will tell you wish a happy birthday to Mr. Bob Backlaud as he turns 62 today. He has 4 regins as world champion but 2 of his regins are under the NWA affilation which is not the case therfore not counted with the other 2. Not many know this but Bob actually said he didnt want to drop the belt to hogan saying he would only drop the title to someone with amatur background which hulk didnt have so he drop it to Sheik instead. He then did not show up in the WWE again until 94 when he was in the mix of a feud with the Hitman over the WWE Title which he ended up winning at Survior Series in a thorugh in the towel submission match. Only to lose the belt to diesel 3 days later in the 8 sec non-televised match i spoke about before which it runs another distiction that match was the last time the title changed hands on a non-televised show. He went on to fight bret hart once more this time at Wrestlemania 95 but lost the went on to manage the sultan for a short time with the sheik in 96-97 then took of to purse a presidental run. Somthing they forgot to tell him is an election would be held for another year an a half. After that he takes off for another 2 years coming back in 2000 as the manager of Kurt Angle for a short time also competed in the 00 royal rumble only the second one of his career (nerd note: other being in 1995). He was fired by angle for booking him in the 3 way double title match at mania 16. He again takes off another 7 years but this time going to TNA and feuding with the MCMG's fighting twice beating Alex Shelly once but losing the second time with Jerry Lynn to MCMG at Slammaniversary 2007 not to show up again in TNA since. He did compete in the gimmick battel royal at the Raw 15th anniversary in 2007 but lost. That was it so far for his career but you never know
This day 62 years ago


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