This day in Wrestling history

Today marks a new beginning for wrestling as real wrestling returns to TV for the first time since April. Tonight ROH starts their new deal with SBS which also starts the track to see if the fans are right and because of this ROH will over take TNA in the major promotions talk as the second major promotion behide WWE. This show has all the titles on the line as all 3 belts will be defended tonight. Davey vs Roddy for the World title with Truth at ringside, davey won the tile at BITW from Eddie also just resigned to a new deal for ROH. The other title is The Kings vs Wrestling's greatest tag team for the belts many have said that Kings will finish their dates with ROH then are off to WWE but never know. The last title match is El Generico defending the world tv belt for the first time vs jay lethal who also signed a deal with ROH also recently. This could be a great show especailly they have the time make it which if SBS does something different give 2 hours instead of one they could fill it and won't disappoint them they got the talent to do it


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