This day in Westling History

This day is very exciting day for TNA as they moved from just another promotion to the alternative from the WWE. Because today they held a match that would become a staple for the company until now that is the Ultimate X match which invovled Michael Shane aka Matt Bentley vs Frankie Kazarian vs Chris Sabin. This match was the match that opened my eyes about TNA cause it was a match like the King Of the Mountain somthing the worldwide audience never seen before. If you have never seen an Ultimate X match well it was 6 steel truses with rope tied to them and the ropes meet in the middle to form an X that is also were the foam X or Championship is position. But now its 4 as TNA switched back to the 4 sided ring maybe a month after Hogan & Bischoff joinded cause they said they thought 4 sides was better for a serious wrestling company and Dixie agreed. Well TNA management may think the switch worked but their ratings aint up from when they had it, morale is just as low, paychecks for some guys are just as low so why did they cause they thought Bischoff & Hogan knew what they were doing. Boy that was a mistake cause six sides what was part of what made TNA unique and the new talent changed all that. Also the 3 guys invovled the first ultimate x well Kaz & Sabin are still with TNA but Michael Shane is not so lucky but was brought back for one appearence apart of the X-division 3 way matches not seen since.
This day 8 years ago Nashville Fairgrounds


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