TNA: Stay or Go

Over the last few weeks a lot of the X-divison stars of the past have come back leading into their ppv Destinaiton X. The likes of Austin  Aries, Jerry Lynn, Low Ki, Jack Evans, Matt Bentley, Jimmy Rave, Kid Kash and many more. Also some newcomers showed up to like Independent wrestling sensations Shima Xion, Tony Nese, & Jesse Sorensen. As well as 2nd generation superstar Dakota Darsow. Leading into the ppv you have seen the X-Division stars take the main stage on Impact like AJ, Daniels, RVD, Amazing Red, Shelly, Williams, Kendrick, & Robbie E. Ultimate X match returns with Shelly vs Robbie E vs Amazing Red vs Shannon Moore. Also you got the return of Styles vs Daniels and a hidden match Joe vs Kaz. Finally the should be show stealer Jerry Lynn vs Rob Van Dam the match that was suppose to happen last August but didnt now it will. All this has the making to be a good ppv if TNA figures that it should be and then also relizes that the X-Division is what they have to spotlight to compete with the WWE not the Has Beens. Tune into tommorrow for my predictions.


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