PPV Predictions

It was ok the first time i did it now i will try with a more known company TNA as their ppv is tonight Destination X. Matches Are:
Samoa Joe vs Kaz
the opening match showed get a lot of time to make up for the lack of hype this match has gotten but i doubt it will. I see Joe winning but kaz coming close as it seems like they are trying to build joe back up.
Brian Kendrick vs Abyss for X-Division title
i see this being a bad match because TNA did nothing to make it seem like kendrick has any chance of beating abyss
Douglass Williams vs An X Division Star
i see doug winning as it will probably be someone that has been on impact in the last few weeks
Xima Ion vs Austin Aries vs Jack Evans vs Low Ki 4-way Contract Match
Honestly i would like to see Jack Evans win this but, i doubt he will i see either Low Ki or Aries winning why because they both deserve it but both cant get it. I see this being a great match and aries coming out on top the 450 to Xima.
Jerry Lynn vs Rob Van Dam
another possible great match but i cant see this match, daniels/Aj, the 4 way match, & the ultimate X all being right after another cause the crowd wont be in it. They need to give these guys at least 10 minutes for them to show there chemistry to the new generation. And i see Rob winning cause he is staying and Jerry isnt so rob shouldnt put him over
Alex Shelly vs Amazing Red vs Shannon Moore vs Robbie E Ultimate X
should be another good match only if its given the right amount of time which be a little less than Aj vs Danels & Lynn vs RVD as this is ppv is suppose to showoff the X-Division and this is X-Division. I see the experience getting the upper hand as i see red winning the match after taking advantage of his surroounding to his advantage
Aj Styles vs Christopher Daniels
I would say next to lynn and rvd they probably have the best chemistry and this should be given a lot of time to showcase to of the founding fathers in the X-Division. I see Daniels taking down Aj in one of the better match of the night. And like in Kaz vs Joe, & Lynn vs Rob i see respect being showed in the those matches by the competitiors.
This has the chance to be TNA'S best ppv in a long time if they do it right and only spotlight the X-Division tonight No Immortal, Sting or Mr Anderson tonight it is all X-Division thats it. Also giving the matches enough time to be good or even great and maybe they will find out that the X-Division is what they can use to be different. Tonight TNA PLEASE Make the Fans pround now is your Chance dont blow it!!!!!!!


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