1 or 500 you tell me

At the end of June this somthing called the evaluation period ended it started in May of last year and it was done by the Wrestling Magazine called PWI or Pro Wrestling Illustrated. This magazine ranks the top 500 wrestlers in the business today everyone from people in the big 3, (ROH, WWE, TNA) the Indy circuit, japan, Mexico, etc. Ranking them by how good they did during the evaluation period #1 this year is a WWE superstar, can you guess... guess nope its not who you think i am sure some of you think John Cena or Randy Orton but know it Most Must See WWE Champion The Miz. Just look back and find the evaluation period and think about how good miz did during it Money In the Bank winner and WWE Champ for 5-6 months. Why I did this is to tell Miz got rank 1 by the PWI but also to look at how bad Miz is now he hasn't won in 4 weeks and hasn't beaten A-RY who is as green in the ring as he was (but is getting better) and when Miz debuted he wasn't fighting people at the main event. They are moving The Miz down to the lower Main Event so he can help bring up A-RY to the Main Event. Other than the fact that most Mizards feel he is being torn down and, should be 1 but 500 on the PWI 500 cause of how WWE is booking him think like this they didn't book Cena to bring A-RY up a level they book Miz cause he is the most must see WWE CHAMPION in history. Because of that it means he is AWESOME!!!!!!!!


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