History or Angle

Last Night on Monday Night Raw HHH told Vince that as of last night he is relieved of his duties as owner of WWE. As HHH will be taking over as Owner of the WWE and all its operations "for now". Honestly I think this is just a way for them to write Vince off permanently from TV and bring all the rumors of HHH wrestling again to rest. I thought until a source on a website said that an Ex WWE star said this was real from talking to Hunter earlier in the day. If that is the case then i need to thank Vince for all he has done for the business that i love, the good & the bad Vince is still one of the greatest promoters ever in this sport. I remember when Vince went from just an announcer to the tyrannical boss everyone knows him to be which was the night of the Montreal screwjob and the night after when he said "Bret screwed Bret". Then I remember him fighting Austin at St Valentines Day Massacre in 99 in a Cage.
Also forming the corporate team with Rock, Bossman, Shamrock, Test, Shane, Stogies, Kane, Big Show, HHH, Chyna, etc. And i remember when Vince came out and said that he bought WCW and i didn't believe him as WCW was my favorite of the two at the time and i was shock when Shane came down and he owns WCW.
Wrestling Hart, Hogan, HBK, & Shane at Wrestlemania. When he lost the battle of the billionaires & fake his own death I have been here for all the memorable times of Vince. I again thank him for being as ruthless and protective as he is of his stars. THANK YOU VINCE with out wrestling would not be were it is today if you are gone, good for you. You deserve it!!!!! But if your just done on TV then still Thank You as the you vs Austin, HBK, HHH, Taker, Hogan, Flair were some of my favorite feuds ever. Congrats on a great career in the booth & as an on air character you did great
This is not a ass kissing it is a show of RESPECT to Vincent K McMahon


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