Post ppv Thoughts

Yesterday was the TNA ppv Destination X and though i didnt order it i hear it was one of TNA's better ppv's in a while. With great matches being the contract match, Lynn vs RVD, & Aj vs Daniels really boost the morale of a once despressed division. With my predictions i did better than the first time as i got more right including the RvD match, the contract match, Williams Challenge thats it. TNA also surprised us with the return of Shark Boy who teamed with Eric Young in a fluke win vs Gen Me. All in all the ppv was pretty good and in my book one that worth getting on dvd as the last couple of matches made the ppv. It was not better than the ROH ppv from last month but it was close as they both had MOTY candidates on the card also both had surprises. Which a good surprise can make good ppv's great. Hopefully after the match they had last night Low Ki, Zima Ion, Jack Evans, & Jerry Lynn signed by TNA cause not only would it be a breath of freash air from who they usually sign but they deserve it. Especially after Low Ki went through in WWE he should be able to go back a place that would use him right. Also same with Jerry but in his case you dont know how much longer he will be able to compete at that level before he hangs it up. Hope you enjoyed reading it as much as i did doing it thank you.


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