This Day in Wrestling History

This day 97 years ago the WWE was born not really but the owner was as Vincent James McMahon was born the father of Vincent K. The first wrestling thing Vince did was found the WWWF with Toots Mondt in April 1963 braking away from the NWA. During his life he kept the territory idea big as his was the eastern part mostly MSG selling out with champions Bob Backlaund & Bruno Samartino more times then any wrestler before or since. Also not many know this but Vince is also famous for firing  Hulk Hogan from the WWWF for having a part in Rocky 2. The final accomplishment was being inducted into the WWE hall of fame class of 1994 after his death. As he passed away in 1984 after a long battel with cancer knowing he was going to die he gave the company to his son VKM and Vince Jr changed the buisness forever. '
He will be missed and never forgotten without him their would be no WWE today so thank you Vince SR I think.


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