Bryan or Lie in

Last sunday at money in the bank Bryan Danielson (Daniel Bryan) won the money in the bank case which gives him a shot at any title in the next year. This past friday on Smackdown bryan said that he is cashing it at next year wrestlemania against whoever the smackdown champion is. I may sound like a nerd here but though i would point it out both Bryan and CM Punk are former ROH World Champions and won their first WWE world title in their 3rd years. Punk winning the ECW and now bryan could win the world title or could be the first to cash it in and lose.
But now to the reason i did this i dont think WWE gets enough credit as they are starting to figure out how good bryan is. Are taking advantage of it as he can make people he works with look good, equal, or he can carry them. Which is a skill he picked up from the training he got from Regal and HBK how i know this is a source said that at WWE live events bryan carry's a certain rookie during their matches. For those who dont know what it means carring during a match is taliking to the person during the match helping them rember the spots and stuff they were suppose to do which comes with being a vet. So i think a push is coming bryan's way very soon and as one of his biggest supporters i can say finally fianlly WWE is doing somthing right with pushing someone the fans want to see.


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