Kings of the Wrestling world

Word has it that the KOW (Kings of Wrestling) Claudio Castagnoli & Chris Hero are all but gone from the independent circut and are signed by WWE. These two have been on the circut for their entire careers trying to get their and they finally have. But also i think WWE likes ROH's roster as this is the 4th person they signed off their roster in the last year adding to the mix Daniel Bryan, Tyler Black (Seth Rollins) & in 2005 they signed CM Punk away from ROH. The once second longest reiging tag team champion in ROH history & both men former PWG world champions as they are megastars with the PWG as well in a majority of the indy companies in the US. Such a great tag team going to a company that has really jobbed out their division in recent years at the expense of the top guys. Which doesnt boud well for the kings as they can out wrestle anyone on the roster but well also shall see what the future hold cause they may not even be a team because i dont remeber the last time a tag team debuted in the WWE together. Also Europeans really dont have the best of luck in WWE in the past just look at Regal, Finaly, Dave Taylor, & McIntyre for example. In my opinion Hero will be fine i dont know about Claudio though but you never now in the new WWE. Only time will tell what happens


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