This day in Westling History

Today we wish a happy birthday to a legend in this business his name Randy Rose. He is turning 56 today and if you don't know who he is well he is an original member of the Midnight Express. It was him, Dennis Condrey, & Norvell Austin as the original 3 until Austin left leaving condrey & rose inned of a partner or a manager. Which is what they found in the AWA and he was Paul Haymen in the AWA they were 1 time tag champions before leaving the company. They then spent 9 months in regional companies before showing up in the NWA to feud with the New Midnight Express & Cornette. They with them for a few months until Condrey left the company and Shortly their after Jack Victory replaced Condrey but the fans had lost all interest. Then a few months later both Rose & Paul left the company. Didnt return staying in regional companies for the remainder of his career. Retiring in 1992 after 15 years in the business showing up for occasional appearences in the indy companies but not showing up for the big companies. He was a former 14 time tag champion in regional territories throught the US with the likes of Dennis Condrey, Jimmy Golden, Ron Bass, & others. Though most may not know him i hope now you do as he is an original member of the Midnight Express
This day 56 years ago


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