This day in Wrestling History

Today everyone on this site would like to wish a happy birthday to Leif Cassidy i mean "Mr Tough Enough" Al Snow. As today is Al Snow's 48th birthday still wrestling after all he has done to himself says something. He started working on the indy scence in the early 90's but getting his big break in ECW in the mid 90's as leif before going to the WWE to work. His first term in WWE was very uneventful as he was a talent enhancer or a jobber to the already established. Then he left for ECW were he changed his name and his looking adopting the character that would take him for the rest of his career this is when Head originated. And before leaving he recieved a shot at the ECW title against Shane Douglas but lost and went back to the WWE. Now his character took a life of its own in ECW with Styrofoam head littering the crowd he took his popularity to WWE were he started winning titles. He became a 6 time Hardcore champion, 1 time tag champion with Mandkind, & 1 European champion when he was he would dress up like, come out with the flag, & music from a specific european country. Something that he is also known for is being the head trainer of the first 4 season of tough enough back in 2001-2004. Nowadays Al is working backstage for TNA as a road agent which someone who writes the matches
Happy Birthday to Mr Tough Enough Al Snow


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