Drew or Dew

Today former Us champion Drew McIntyre was let go by WWE today which is their loss I will tell you why. Because of how they make him come in with the chosen one gimmick making us think that he was going to be big. Also after debuting he got the big push treatment going undeafeated for the first many months of being their also winning the IC title. But after a few months the push dropped off he feel off got lost in the shuffle on Smackdown but was still used as a future guy. The next year he was given a very lengthy feud with Matt Hardy which was Matts last feud with WWE. It lead into a feud with both Matt hardy &, Christian forming a team with Cody Rhodes and, it also lead to drew winning his last title in WWE as about 6 months later he moved over to RAW and appeared in one match on raw. Mostly on superstars to the dismay of some legends but I guess his in ring skill took him as far as he could because his promo skills never were very good so you knew he wouldnt go that far.(nerd note: before WWE drew feuded with Sheamus back in Europe.)


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