This day in Wrestling History

Today is the anniversary of the passing for one of the best tag team wrestlers a memeber of the Freebirds. Terry "Bam Bam" Gordy who was 50 yrs old at the time of his death in 2001 passing cause of a blood clot. Terry an original member of the Fabulous Freebirds with Michael Hayes & Buddy Roberts first in southern promotion but then made their biggest impact in the WCCW. Were they became one of the biggest heels in the buisness after the leader Hayes slamed the cage door on the head on Kerry Von Erich (a crowd hero) during a world title match. From that point for the next 2-3 years the von-erich's vs the birds was the biggest feud in wrestling. Until 83 when David died thats when WCCW started to downturn. Leaving WCCW in 1986 having stints in the UWF & JCP before going to the WCW or NWA as it was at the time full time. Were he teamed with "Dr Death" Steve Williams and was the last NWA tag ing the champion in the WCW beating steiner brothers. Then went to japan and reignited his career winning his first world titles on two occasions in NJPW and also 4 occasions tag champion with steve williams. Finally coming back to the states in 96 for a short stint in WWF as the exocutioner in feud with taker then the next year fought a few matches in ECW. Though Terry is gone he will not be forgotton as he leaves us with someone to remeber him by (Nerd Note: ex wwe star Jesse/Slam Master J is real name Jesse Ray Gordy and is the son of Terry)


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