This day in Wrestling history

Today is a big day as the wwe had the invasion ppv today. This ppv was the most buyer non wrestlemania ppv as it was something never done before as it had 3 companies on one show ecw, WCW vs Wwe. The show lead off with edge and Christian vs Mike Awesome & Lance Storm which was one of the better matches on the show. Second to the hardcore title match between Jeff Hardy vs RVD which is a must see for any hardcore division fan with a sick spot having Jeff get kicked off the stage. Finally the show ended with the 5 man tag match with both companies Kane,undertaker,rock,Austin, & angle vs dudleys, booker t, ddp, & rhino. Which saw Austin have a successful heel turn costing wwe the match. It could have been a little better match wise but their is no taking away the fact that they were the highest bought ppv of any non wrestlemania show so if he was smart he should have ended it at mania or a second invasion cause of how good this one was why not do another.
Till next time and this happend this day 10 years ago


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