This day in Wrestling History

This day last year the independent circut came together as one to do a tribute to a fallin brother named Michael Verdi or Trent Acid with Acid Fest. Friends, Family, & Friends packed the ECW arena in south philly for this event. Headlinded by Trent's best friend Johnny Kashmere vs current CZW world champion Devon Moore and they stole the show. As well also seeing a lot of familar faces return to the arena for the first time in a long time like Robbie Mireno, Sonjay Dutt, ECW original Tony Devito & many others. My favorite memory of Trent is when he fought a young Sami Callihan, it was a great match especially since it was the first time i saw an acid match. It was topped off by Sami bring a sissor lift into the match and proceed to jump of it through a table on Trent Acid. Very Surprising as i have never seen anyone use any sort of lift in a match let alone that sort of lift. The show did so well that they are doing Acidfest 2 sometime this year i dont know when but that shows the impact michael had on the indy circut and his fans. He is gone but never forgotten RIP MICHAEL VERDI


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