This day in Wrestling history

This day 54 years ago another member of one of the more famous wrestling families he was namEd Bret and was the son of Stu & Helen. Yes today the hitman turns 54 years old. Bret the WWE hall of Famer & A 7 time world champion. Bret was a marque guy in the WWE from 1992 to 1997 when he won the KOTR then became the IC champ and then beating Ric Flair for the world title. He went on to have 5 reigns as a world champ before leaving in 97 for WCW. After the Survivor Series and being apart of the infamous Montrel Screwjob and hating Vince. What he didn't count on is not having a match until Sold Out in Jan of next year he did go on to win 2 world titles in WCW before retiring after Starcade of 00. Because of a botched superkick by Goldberg giving him a severe concussion ending his active career and giving him one of the better careers of anyone from this era this day 54 years ago


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