Post PPV Thoughts

Last Night WWE had the second annual Money in the Bank ppv which for once it was better than the first one. And I can actually i was surprised by the outcomes of a lot of the matches at the ppv like a MITB & the main event were the two. As i again guessed and this is the best i have done for any of them guessing all of them right cept  the matches said before. The first match Smackdown MITB which saw Daniel Bryan winning and getting the right to face the smackdown world champion anytime within the next year. Honestlly i am a huge bryan fan but WWE didnt give us any idea he might as at one point he was jobbing to sheamus on raw. Now getting a shoot at the World Title which i am very very surprised about but also happy at the same time finally he gets to prove he is the BEST IN THE WORLD.
Before I get into the main event and how surprised i was with the ending of the match i want to go back to the almost ending when vince came out. He was going to Screw Punk and Cena didnt let it happend no offense to WWE. Last night was great but seeing Cena turn heel would have been even better as the crowd was already hostile so why not turn him heel. It would have been perfect as then cena could have went to Raw and been it was the only way for the title to stay and turn cena having him act like he didnt want to but then offically turn. But wont happen cause he is WWE's Golden Boy.
Now the Main Event which Punk won the title from Cena. It was probably one of the worse worked matches i have seen still a good match but could have been great. As you guys know i am a mark by the amount of info i know about this sport and during that match i turned from knowing to hoping. Finally vince did what was right and what the fans wanted to see thank you vince. Next is to turn Cena heel, all i can say now is watch RAW tonight to see the aftermath of this ppv seeing how long Cena will get "FIRED" for this time.


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