This day in Wrestling History

This day way back in the original ECW their was a show called Heatwave which later became a ppv for them but this was before it did as it was 1995. Though it was not the main event this card is not remembered for the match between Dreamer's team vs Raven's team, or the world title match, or The Gangstas vs Public Enemy in a cage. But what this is remember for is this is the show that Taz broke his neck at. It is big because this is the injury that played into Taz retiring in his prime. The match was Eddie Guerrero & Tazmaniac vs Dean Malenko & Too Cold Scorpio the spot that caused, it was scorpio & malenko went for a spike piledriver and screwed it up as taz i think landed wrong or something and didn't fight again in the match. (Eddie wrestled the remainder of the match alone) Also attributing to Taz retiring early is the fact that he came back so soon before his neck was fully healed it never did as it bug him for his entire career.
Not like it really matter as he leaves a company were he is the main event to go to a place were he got more money but for the most part worked as a jobber and feuded with king then retired shame but what are you going to do. Those are the risks these guys take in the ring everytime they go out their.


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