This day in Westling History

Today is a day of remembrance for a former wrestler as today would have been the 82nd birthday of Bob Orton .SR. The father of WWE Hall of Famer Cowboy Bob "Ace" Orton & the grandpa of WWE Superstar of Randy Orton. Wrestling in stampede wrestling his nickname was the "Big O" some may get reference others may not if not then you don't watch ZTLIS which that ain't cool bro. As a wrestler Bob never won the big belt but did win regional title all over the US being a former 14 world champion various NWA territories. Also being a former 10 time tag team champion again in various NWA territories with a different partner each time except in Florida. He is also credited for having the third largest family of pro wrestlers in the US having 5 to his name behind the Von Erichs & The Dibaise's. Also i may be contradicted for that but i said US Born not worldwide even though would still be in the top 5. Unfourtunatly while living in Las vegas 5 years ago he passed away at the age of 76 from suffering from a series of heart attacks


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