This day in Wrestling History

Today is the anniversary of a failed angle by the WWE that angle invovled there newly won companies ECW & WCW it was called the INVASION. The only timed it had success was the ppv as the ppv recieved the highest buys for any non-wrestlemainia ppv in WWE history. Though WCW was already there prior to this day the offical angle started this day when ECW joined the Invasion. This was originally suppose to help showcase all the talents invovled but when Vince saw how bad the Booker, T vs Buff Bagwell match was on the June somthing edition of RAW (watch it its pretty bad). He got cold feet when it came to making the invasion as good as it could be. This was also probably the first ppv that the entire card got build other than Mania people where really looking forward to this ppv, and they didnt disappoint having good matches all throught the night. Leading off with a good match between Edge and Chistian vs Lance Storm & Mike Awsome. My Favorite match of the night was the hardcore match between Rob Van Dam & Jeff Hardy as they had the best chemistry out of anybody in the invasion. The main event saw a swerve when Steve Austin turned on the WWF and joined the Alliance after attacking Angle and costing WWE the match but not the war. The war ended in November 6 months after it started. Really disappointing could have gone on for a long time if only Lance was in the match instead of Buff what if what if!!!! (*Chis Jericho's New Book or Leave a Comment for more info*)


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