This day in Wrestling History

This day 51 years ago a future wrestler is born named Marc Mero future tv & intercontinental champion in the respected companies. First marc was apart of the WCW under the name of Johnny B Badd were he won the Television title on 3 separate occasions. Stating in WCW in 1991 in a little Richard gimmick but again leaving in 1996 for not wanting to do a suggested angle by creative so he left. By mid 96 he left to the WWF with a new gimmick being himself with his wife sable as his valet. Winning the IC belt on one occasions after a tournament but than losing it a few months later to HHH never to win it again. After he got injured and then came back as the Marvelous one and stayed for at least a year Than went back to WcW and after WCW went the XWF in florida with his wife. But then off to TNA for a year then retired.


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