Interview With AXL ROTTEN

Why did you invovled in wrestling?
Axl- I loved wrestling since I was a kid. I knew when I was like 5 or 6 it's all I wanted to do.
Why did you close your promotion?
Axl- Which one? I've helped start and run at least 10 promotions over the years.
Meant why did you close the UIW
Axl- Oh, backer stopped backing us! too bad we could have made a dent in the market. I wish I had that shot now. It would be huge!
When ECW was in its final years did you see the closing coming?
Axl- Well, the writing was on the wall but there was so much lying going on that the wrestlers really didn't know who or what to believe. But, you paycheck bouncing every week is a good sign that things arent good!
Who is your favorite guy/s to work with from your career?
Axl-I loved wrestling Chris Candido, Shane Douglas, Tracey Smothers, Raven and my matches with Ian rewrote the book on hardcore
What was wrestling in the taipei death match in 1995 like? was it real glass Axl- Really? you ar asking me if the glass was real? Didn't you watch the match? I walked around the ring letting the fans see it was real. It was awesome because its 2011 and You are still talking about it. That's called MAKING WRESTLING HISTORY..kid!
When you were young who was that person the made you say this is what i want to do
Axl-  Dusty Rhoades is my main fav as a  kid also Superstar Billy Graham
Which tribute show do you think was better One Night Stand, Hardcore Justice, or Hardcore Homecoming? Axl- That is a tough one...Hmmm, I think wrestling wise Hardcore Homecoming was the best. ONS was a blast just cause we got to make WWE swallow their ego and put ECW over! Harcore Justice was fun but I was hurt when I did it(no one knew, I kept it a secret cause I didn't want Balls and Me vs, 3D off the show. So, I didnt say a word and did the match. I had a hard day.


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